Friday, June 26, 2009

Different Foods

A common breakfasts here is Gallo Pinto with Platano Maduro. It's usually served with eggs, cheese, and some type of bread. As you can see, I just opted for coffee!

The Fruit: the red prickly ones are Mamonchino! It was almost scary looking to me, but I tried it anyway! It ended up being my favorite. It was like a giant grape on the inside with a seed. A little different taste but delicious.

The yellow ones are Jocote! I can't really describe how this tasted. It was a bad taste, just not as flavorful as the Mamonchino! You can buy these both reddish, greenish, and yellowish!

Copo: this is a drink that you can easily find on the streets or at the park. It's like a snowcone, but they use sweetened condensed milk too! It was yummy. It tasted like a strawberry and cream smoothie!

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