Wednesday, June 17, 2009

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go......?

Well, I am all packed, but am not sure I am ready to go! All my built up excitement has turned into nervousness and anxiety! Too bad! There is no turning back now. I leave tomorrow, bright and early, for my trip to Costa Rica! For those of you just catching up I am heading to Costa Rica for 13 days. Though I wish this was solely a vacation trip, this sadly is not the case. I'm going to Costa Rica for an 'immersion' of sorts, in Spanish. I am hoping that as I am immersed in the language and some of the Latino Culture, my Spanish will blossom! I will be working in an elementary school in the mornings and studying Spanish with a professor from the University of Costa Rica. I will be doing some excursions as part of my class. So, keep up with the blog. I am sure I will have lots of interesting things to share from this journey! And, the rest of the blogs will be in both English and Spanish!

Thanks so much to all my friends and family for supporting and encouraging me to do this! I am so thankful for all of you. Keep in touch via the blog! It will likely be my only mode of communication! Please keep me in your prayers too! I NEED them! Here we go!


  1. Wow..U are on a trip to Central/South America (i forget which one) w/o me! Bummer! So proud of you for the purpose though. Your going to come back speaking spanish so well I'm going to think you changed your nationality! LOL! Pick up some cooking tips while your there too! Especially your "darn chili"! LOL! Be safe. No HANKY PANKY! I forbid it. In fact I want you to be a "lesbian" while your there! Make me feel better! Will miss you! Love..ur Papi J

  2. OMG please be careful I know your mama is having a fit I would!!! You know you have to host a coming homr party to show everyone what you have learned I personally am interested in the language just the food :D

    Be careful Stay Safe and bring me back a mango or a magnet...


  3. I feel the world trembling already.

  4. Have a great time andd be safe!! Go find that hot cabana boy!!

  5. Are we there yet? Pretty soon all that anxiety will be replaced by jet lag. And you my dear will be viviendo la vida loca! Rock Costa Rica!

  6. Aren't we subverting your immersion experience by sending you notes in English? Just asking.

  7. Have fun . . . be safe . . . learn lots!

