Thursday, March 25, 2010

Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner

  1. (Desayuna, almuerza, y la cena!) Dentro de 20 pasos de la casa donde estoy quedando yo tengo acceso de todas que necesito comer. Las gallos ellos producen huevos para mi desayuna. Yo puedo tener frutas de los árboles para mi almuerza. Y para la cena hay muchas vacas. Si me gustaba bistec estará mejor, verdad! Los gallos tienen potencial estar desayuna y la cena cuando ellos están haciendo mucho ruidos por la mañana. Si yo tenía un escopeta mi primer mañana aquí, por seguro los mataría y cocinaría un bien cena! Está bien estar en un diferente lugares y estoy disfrutando todos, en serio, incluyendo los gallos, vacas, y arboles!

    Within 20 steps of the house where I am staying I have access to everything I need to eat. The roosters produce eggs for my breakfast. I can have fruit from the trees for my lunch. And for my dinner there are many cows. If I like steak it would be better, right? The roosters have the potential to be breakfast and dinner when they are making a lot of noise in the morning! If I had a shotgun my first morning here, for sure I would have killed them and cooked a great dinner! It's great to be in a different place and I am really enjoying everything, seriously, including the roosters, the cows, and trees!


  1. Donita,

    Roosters don't lay eggs! Hens lay eggs. You are funny.

    Rose Mary

  2. Donita! I'm so excited for you. I can't believe you are back in CR, in Holy Week. Is it as wild there in San Jose as it is in Antigua, GA? INSANE

    I read all of your story in Spanish before I scrolled down and saw the English translation. Baby steps -- I could never type this fast in Spanish :-)

    Have a great time!
